Saturday, December 07, 2013

current preorders

i said i was gonna do a post about the current figure preorders i have, and since i'm procrastinating homework and studying i might as well just do it now!! man, preordering stuff is just so fun and exciting (like going on an adventure), and now i'm getting all nostalgic about my first one… it actually was just a couple months ago that i received magical nia by phat! company in the mail, and it was the best feeling ever. well i guess the few weeks before her actual release were kind of stressful (photos of terrible seamlines, messy hair paint, etc. got me all sad and freaked out) but when i got her, all my worries completely disappeared. be right back i need to go take a look at her right now for no reason. (she's pretty much perfect and i really highly recommend her!! her hair IS a bit messy, but overall, her pose, bubblegum colors, and just the dynamic of the entire figure together make her worth it. not to mention that lord genome staff… the only thing is that i wish her base was a bit more stable.)

o.k. i'm getting completely off track. so i guess the preorder that's chronologically closest to being released (please no delays please no delays please no delays) is kotobukiya's kuroneko -sweet lolita-!! her release date is set for late december, so hopefully that's going to be in a few weeks!

i'm soooo excited to get her..!! i still need to watch season two of oreimo, but kuroneko is by far my favorite character in the series. (not to mention that her seiyuu is my sweet baby hanazawa kana…) how i managed to preorder her is kind of a funny story. she was sold out on preorders this past summer (not anymore, i think i read somewhere that koto does preorders in batches, so she's up again at places like amiami in case anyone wanted to grab her too!) and i was really sad about it… but one night i randomly woke up at like 4:00 AM or something, and my friend had tweeted me that she was back up for order!! i pretty much ran to my computer to order her, then slept the rest of the night like a baby… i felt sooo great in the morning when i woke up and saw that she was sold out again!! but now she's been on sale again for ages so...

source: all photos from akibahobby
seriously though… kuroneko in pink lolita clothing just makes me so happy and excited… i don't think she ever wears this kind of outfit in the anime, so this is a huge treat. i love pink and i love lolita fashion  and ruri's even got her nekomimi going on so i don't see any downsides to this figure at all. what REALLY got me about this figure though, is her shoes. THEY'RE SO PERFECT AND ADORABLE LOOK AT THEM!! i love the slight sheen on them from the paint, and i really hope they don't fuck it up… other than that, i'm obsessed with the frill detailing, and the base design. i think her face could have been a bit more expressive (maybe it's just the photos?), but i'm digging the blush and just her pose in general. also, she's a 1/7 scale so she's going to be huge (almost nine inches tall!) so that's a big plus!!

another figure that should be coming in late december is the gsc tsukihi figure that i talked (a lot) about in my last post. i'm so excited i don't even know what to say… ok moving on...

next up is the month of january, which may or may not be killer. first up i guess i'll take a look at megahouse's kuroko tetsuya!! he's set to be released late january, and i really really hope he doesn't get delayed because c'mon, how wonderful would it be if i got him before (or on) his birthday. (january 31st!!)

i think most places are sold out of him now, or they're selling him at ridiculously high prices. he seemed to be highly sought out for, and i think i remember hearing that they were doing a limited production of him this time around… i got such a great deal on him from the grand line shop, and i'm so so so happy i had the chance to preorder him early at a really great price! i'm completely biased towards this figure because, well, kuroko is kind of my prince you know… i adore the series to pieces, and i'm so happy and proud that him and the kiseki are getting high quality scale figures. (kagami's prototype looks so good!! i can't wait to see everyone else!!)

source: mega_girlshobby twitter
this is a really great figure in my opinion. obviously there aren't nearly as many boy figures as there are girl figures, and this one is a real gem!! his pose is so dynamic and different (it looks like he's gonna make a pass to kagami or something!!) and i love the look of silent determination on his face, which just matches him so well. what really pops out at me is his coloring though!! the wrinkles in his jersey really make him come alive, and the shading on his muscles (look at his collarbones tho) and hair are just… wah… i'm about to pass out over here…!! i can't wait to see what his base will look like (i'm hoping for a simple, basketball court themed  one) and although i kind of worry about leaning i think everything should be fine.

my other january preorder is good smile company's new madoka scale! i actually can't believe that i managed to nab her so quickly (her january release sold out within an hour on amiami!) and even though that brings me to two figures next month, i think my wallet is gonna be ok… (i mean i guess i paid for half of kuroko already?)

source: HK-DMZ's flickr
i don't even know what to say about her. she's so perfect. i was kind of iffy about her back when the uncolored prototype was released, but now that she's painted, all i can say is that she is absolutely perfect. her shading, her goddamn BASE, her pose, even the doe-eyed look on her face just make this figure so beautiful and elegant!! i really really love it and i'm so happy that i'll finally have a scale figure of my one and only waifu!! i like this figure a lot more than gsc's first madoka scale, and soon… she will be mine…!! (that's all i have to say about madoka right now because these photos say too much about how perfect she is gonna be. jesus christ)

that's it for my figure preorders at the moment! i didn't really talk about tsukihi or sakura, because i mentioned them in previous posts, but with them, it brings me to a total of five figure preorders right now. i have a few merch things that i have preordered, and a few straps and such that i have confirmed in some group orders on mfc, but that's about it…

i think i mentioned this before, but there haven't been a whole lot of figures that have made me sweat lately. there've been a few here and there that i think about preordering a lot (such as orca's kuroneko, bikini ver.) but i feel like there's always something holding me back, and i never preorder anything unless i'm completely sure that i'll still love it to pieces in however many months it takes the company to release it. i'm glad that i'm still in love with all my current orders and i'm really satisfied!!

at the moment, there are really only two figures i'm DEAD set on ordering as soon as preorders start. i thought about koto's shinobu and senjougahara, but again, i'm not completely sure about them. (i don't know why i'm iffy about gahara-sama's figure, but for shinobu, i'm waiting for alter to release their prototype…) anyways, the two figures are alter's tachibana makoto (MY BOYFRIEND!!!) and megahouse's utena!! 

source: makotomatic's flickr
source: oyj12's flickr
i require makoto (for obvious reasons) and as SOON as he's announced, i will be hitting that preorder button, no questions asked. i think alter (as usual) did a really great sculpt job. even though he's in a static, standing pose, the slight movement of his jacket is nice, and makoto's personality shines through on his face!! as for utena (i'm planning on watching the series this break, so she's a tentative confirmation at the moment i suppose) i'm going to wait for her to be painted, so we'll see about that. (everyone knows i'm a huge sucker for pink hair.) writing this post made me really happy i'm such a fucking loser!! but at least i'm a happy loser!!! ^___^

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