Saturday, December 07, 2013

happy birthday!

it's 3:30 AM, i got home from my birthday thing a while ago, but i'm not sleepy at all. i'm so excited and happy my friends are literally the best people in the world!! i'll keep this figure-related, but in short, guess what…

they preordered gsc tsukihi for me!! i'm still freaking out and i can't believe it!! she's sold out at a lot of places, so i wonder when they actually got around to pre-ordering her… she should be coming out later this month if gsc doesn't have any delays in releasing her (i really hope that they don't because i need her!!) and i'm just so excited and happy i actually am almost shaking wahhh i adore tsukihi so much and this figure… just look at it… it's so gorgeous… i'll actually have a decent monogatari display now with this, and once i get my hands on my holy grail araragi figure later on. (courtesy of my little sister, heh.)

anyways, this will be my first figure with this sort of excessive prop. and since it's so red, i wonder how it will complement my other figures… the red colour and the prop itself (what's it even called?) really remind me of the anime, with its colours and angularity. i love the masks, and i love the pinwheel, and also the lil string detailing that holds it to the bar. i love love LOVE tsukihi because she's cute af (honestly she's my favourite fire sister, even though karen is cute as hell too, jesus christ), and the fact that she's always in traditional japanese garb. her kimono is soooo fucking cute… (i'm not sure if i prefer her with this short hair, or her longer braided hair from season two though!!) honestly, the pink and red of her kimono (i'm not even sure if this short thing is called a kimono, i wonder what the actual name for it is?) seem kind of redundant with the red of the jungle gym thing, which is why i prefer this alternate coloured version of her, and also because it's her main outfit in nisemonogatari. but does it look like i care right now? honestly, i have the best friends ever, and i'm just going to be SO emotionally attached to her. whenever i look over at my detolf i'm seriously just gonna tear up and pass the hell out like… i still can't believe this like… holy shit i was sure this was gonna be one of those figures that just sat stagnant as hell on my wishlist for forever, but it's gonna be a reality and i'm gonna have her in my display soon! i can't wait to see what her base and her box look like ahhh… i really need to get started on planning out my display better, and also looking into purchasing some risers. my friend told me that i should make them by myself (using a heat gun?) but i'm not confident in any of the skills that i would need to make that a reality…

i kind of want to talk about nadeko (sengoku nadeko!) because i've literally just been obsessed with her lately. my favourite loli sweetie! i'm not really sure if she truly qualifies as a loli, but i guess she fits the criteria to a certain extent. ootorimonogatari was SO fucking great, and when break rolls around i really want to rewatch some of the episodes. since koto's shinobu seems to be doing well (i think? maybe? i just want alter to release their shinobu prototype?) i'm hoping for more monogatari figures!! i REALLY hope someone will release a figure of nadeko in her medusa form (maybe an alternative face/hair plate? hell yeah) because honestly, i would be on that so quick. i haven't really been "captivated" by many figures on pre-order lately (which i guess is a good thing for my wallet at least) but man, if they did a nadeko figure…!! i actually found a prize figure prototype of nadeko by taito, and i'm pretty sure it's based off second season because she had the scrunchie and all, but i don't know if it's gonna be with her white hair ahhh.

source: mikaeru on pixiv

maybe i'll get gsc's rendition of nadeko someday… but at the moment, i'd much rather cop banpresto's nadeko, where she's in the cute outfit for when araragi comes over to her house in bakemonogatari, heh. ("i'm fine with either role… giving the orders and taking them.") i think about this figure SO often that i consider it one of my holy grails. i was thinking about doing a small monogatari prize figure haul this month, but we'll see about that.

i think tomorrow i'm going to do a post where i cry about all the babies i have on pre-order right now, and the prototypes i'm really looking forward to!! good night!! ^___^

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